Everything you need to know about credit limits (Dutch)
These topics, amongst others, will be covered in the webinar
How D&B collects data for credit limits
What indicators the credit limit is made up of
What the possibilities are with customized credit limits
and more
Watch the webinar
Joris Peeters
Chief Data Scientist
Barry de Goeij
Data Scientist
Webinar overview
45 minutes online
Every minute, a company in the Netherlands is screened on the basis of our data and solutions. Our report tells you everything you need to know about the risk and gives you advice on, for example, credit limits.
During this session, data scientists Joris Peeters and Barry de Goeij will take you into the world of credit limits. What is the credit limit? What is it not? How is the credit limit established? With a number of interesting use cases, you will also learn more about how other companies deploy credit limits within various customer acceptance processes.
What resources do we use to make the world's largest corporate database richer every day?
How do we ensure the quality of our corporate data?