Mission and Vision

How we manage world’s largest commercial database? Together with partners all around the world, we provide strong global coverage with local market expertise. And the most exceptional aspect: together we globally present our data in one uniform way, thanks to our data quality process.

Our passion for data & analytics

We help organizations create a company culture where data is empowered to be a strategic growth and change-driver. Why? Simply because we believe data is only valuable when it has a purpose. Our data-savvy team is inspired by business innovation and digital transformation. That’s why we’re not only consultants or helpers, but also inspirers who grew into market leaders.

Altares on the horizon

Four digital revolutions of data have we led with passion. Innovation, curiosity entrepreneurship and consistence has been our secret formula for success. We embrace change and consistently spot new opportunities. Our passionate team always not only follows the newest developments in data, technology and digitalization, but also creates them. Curious to what’s going on in data-world? Follow our blog and be updated!

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