A letter to our customers

Leestijd 4 minuten | Geschreven door Anne de Geus | 20 maart, 2020


Dear customer,

On behalf of all Altares employees, I would like to address you directly about the recent developments concerning the coronavirus pandemic.

The coronavirus is first and foremost affecting our health, it is also harshly hitting the world economy. In these uncertain times, I would like to assure you that the Altares community is extensively mobilised to ensure the continuity of its activities and to enable you to carry out your work properly.

Continuity of our teams’ work

It is our duty as citizens to strictly comply with the health regulations and to protect our employees, customers, partners and assets. Therefore, all our employees and associates are working from home. For years Altares has deployed processes and technology to allow its staff to efficiently work remotely in the best conditions. Requests from our customers are being carried out according to the same high standards as you would expect from us.

Continuity of our solutions

Altares has an IT business continuity plan that guarantees the security of our systems and the availability of our solutions and services. A Crisis Management Team, bringing together Altares’ operational leaders, has been in place for several weeks. We meet every day to detect, analyse, respond to and anticipate critical situations in this exceptional context and make all the necessary decisions in real time.

Continuity of our commitment

Like thousands of companies, you use our data daily to manage risks both domestically and around the world. It is our duty, as experts in business information, to be highly capable, even more today than yesterday in these times of great uncertainty, of providing you with the insights you need to make your decisions with confidence. Our teams are always by your side.

Continuity of our service

Our customer support department remains available to answer any questions you may have. You can reach them by email at customerservicesbenelux@altares.com or by calling them on +31 (0)10 710 95 60

The Altares staff and I are entirely committed to facing this crisis and its aftermaths hand in hand with you in order to tackle your difficulties and mitigate your risks as much as possible.

On behalf of all Altares employees, I would like to thank you for your unwavering trust.

Luc Querton
President and Chief Executive Officer
Altares Dun & Bradstreet

Deel via social media

Anne de Geus

Marketing Campaign Officer


Credit Monitoring

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