Infographic: Monitor credit risk and anticipate at every stage

Anne de Geus
30 september 2019 - Leestijd 4 minuten

New customers, new risks? Not always. Because in addition to checking who you are doing business with, to limit credit risks you can anticipate various signals during each phase of the credit process. It starts before you send out a quotation and certainly doesn't stop once the customer purchases products or services from you. Because then you start to deliver. And that's when the risks really begin.

Continue to monitor your customers? That way you can avoid nasty surprises, take timely measures and lower your DSO. Such as setting payment terms when you see that the creditworthiness of a customer is changing. Have you just received a positive signal? That means an extra opportunity for sales. Plus: when you really know your customer - including his creditworthiness - you can serve him much better.

Discover in our infographic how monitoring using up-to-date credit information, predictive indicators, scores and alerts helps you in the 7 stages of the credit process. Want to read more? Read the blog: Three benefits of monitoring credit risk

Are you interested in the possibilities of monitoring credit risk within your company? Then take a look at our credit risk management solutions. Like D&B Finance Analytics (formerly D&B Credit), our risk and portfolio management platform.

14x hit with D&B Credit as credit risk platform


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White paper

Credit monitoring

Opportunities for your organization in focus

A credit check at customer acceptance is valuable, but also immediately outdated. The real credit risk actually begins after you have accepted a customer. accepted. The solution: monitor the financial health of your customers in real time.

Pdf of 16 pages, 0.4 MB
Credit monitoring

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