A credit check upon customer acceptance is valuable, but also immediately outdated. The real credit risk actually only starts after you have accepted a customer.
The solution: monitor the financial health of your customers in real time using up-to-date credit information, predictive indicators, scores and alerts. Discover in this paper how the entire business can benefit from credit monitoring.
How your business can benefit from monitoring
Do you have a continuous financial finger on the pulse of your customers thanks to up-to-date and high-quality data, thoughtful predictive indicators and smart scoring? That has three advantages. We describe them in this paper.
Avoid losing money
At many companies, there is internal pressure to accept as many new customers and sell products or services as possible. Nice, until the alarm bells start ringing because payments are not being made.
Commercial opportunities and reduced risks
Subsidiary companies can present risks, but they can also present opportunities. Consider a parent company that has issued a liability statement.