Screening customers and suppliers: The fundamentals explained

These topics, amongst others, will be covered in the webinar

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Bjorn van Raak
Business Consultant Compliance

Webinar overview

International sanctions lists, Ultimate Beneficial Ownership, PEPs...? In all cases it is important to know who you are doing business with. In some cases because you want to know if a relationship can meet its business obligations, on the other hand because the law requires it of you or because you don't want to become a news paper headline with your organization. With the Russia-Ukraine conflict, this is perhaps more relevant than ever. But how does this work? And why is a credit information report not enough to know who you are doing business with?

In this 50-minute webinar, we will take you into the world of compliance or Know-Your-Customer (KYC).

  • Laws and regulations (who are required by law?)
  • Why everyone should screen customers and suppliers?
  • What does a Know Your Customer process include?
  • The UBO, what is it?
  • Sanctions lists, how do you deal with them?
  • How does screening work?
  • Short demonstration where our consultant shows real time how we screen companies ourselves

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