Identifying and verifying ultimate beneficial owners (UBOs) is now an essential component of both the Know Your Customer (KYC) onboarding and monitoring process. This paper helps to better understand the complexities of legal beneficial ownership structures. It also provides insight into how data and analytics can improve the speed and accuracy of UBO identification and how you as an organization can benefit from improved knowledge management to reallocate resources.
The biggest challenges of beneficial ownership
Requirements for identification and verification have increased, while access to information remains limited and legal cloaking strategies are multilayered and complex. In this paper, we list the biggest challenges of beneficial ownership.
The complexities of ownership and control
Uncovering complex legal structures designed to conceal UBOs is a huge challenge. We visualize some possible UBO structures to explain the complexities of legal beneficial ownership structures.
A data-inspired UBO approach
Voor veel organisaties is het bepaald geen kinderspel om tot op detailniveau
te komen in het KYC proces. Het duurt vaak dagen om handmatig opgegeven informatie zoals bedrijfsnaam, adres en registratiedetails te identificeren, deze informatie te verifiëren en – waar nodig – Enhanced Due Diligence (EDD) uit te voeren. Ontdek hoe data en analytics de snelheid en
nauwkeurigheid van UBO-identificatie kunnen verbeteren én hoe je als
organisatie profiteert van verbeterd kennismanagement om resources
te realloceren.