Je wilt natuurlijk zeker weten dat je geen zaken doet met malafide partijen. En als compliance professional heb je de taak om ervoor te zorgen dat jouw organisatie voldoet aan de door de overheid gestelde regels, bijvoorbeeld de KYC-richtlijnen en AML-wetgeving.
Klantacceptatie kan vertraging oplopen als je als organisatie niet beschikt over voldoende interne middelen of specifieke compliance kennis. Een andere reden voor vertraging: het moeten putten uit verschillende informatiebronnen om de benodigde gegevens boven water te krijgen. Goed nieuws: het klantacceptatieproces kan makkelijker en sneller.
The importance of a well-organized customer acceptance process
Meeting laws and regulations is probably one of the main reasons why you want a solid KYC process. If you are not accurate enough or if your documentation is not up to standard during an audit, you could face fines or other penalties. But there are many more reasons why you as an organization should have a properly organized customer acceptance process.
An efficient customer acceptance process in 6 steps
By following these 6 steps, you ensure that you
are following a properly organized and compliant
KYC process for your client onboarding.
Future proof customer acceptance: external data + automation
By using external data, organizations can obtain a significant portion of the required information without having to bother the customer in the process. Questions, if any, can be limited to the information that is actually needed at that stage. This can significantly reduce delays and the pressure on a new customer. And meanwhile, you still collect all the data you need.