Category: Data Analytics

Technology represents the 'how' for change, us humans decide 'why'. Our innovative data experts are therefore convinced that data is only valuable when it has a purpose. Curious to our way of thinking? Find out about our goals and beliefs!

pop artificiële intelligentie
Credit Risk Management

xAI for tomorrow's credit scoring

Joris Peeters talks about the use of xAI within Credit Management, which is going to help us with the reliability of credit scoring and first and foremost complies with the laws and regulations surrounding ethics and transparency.

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werknemer achter twee schermen
Data Analytics

Trade intensity index: an indicator of economic activity

During the first months when Covid-19 kicked in, Altares Dun & Bradstreet's Data Scientists developed an index that could measure trading intensity. The goal of this was to support our clients with relevant, forward-looking and actionable insights from our data.

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Frankrijk vs. Duitsland- wat zeggen de cijfers
Data Analytics

France vs. Germany: what do the numbers say?

How both countries will do in this Euro's, we leave to the sports experts. But how are France and Germany doing as a country? Our data experts dove into the figures for you and present the most important insights.

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Infographic: Predictive Analytics
Data Analytics

Infographic: Predictive Analytics

Cars today can drive themselves, objects can be printed at home, and appliances we can control with our thoughts. Then it's not so strange that we can predict how things will be tomorrow, right?

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