Who really owns the companies you work with?
Find out the ultimate beneficial owner (UBO)
Do you know who you are doing business with? It is increasingly important to know who the real owner of a business is - the Ultimate Beneficial Owner (UBO). For yourself, your partners and your customers. Not knowing this can be very risky.

Why you really should know the UBO
The UBO is an important part of your KYC/Compliance process. It is part of your audit trail. But there are more reasons why knowing who the UBO is matters to your organization.
Do not fund harmful activities
Finding one's way through the enormously complex chains of ownership and affiliation that fund terrorism or other harmful activities is a necessary but challenging task. It requires up-to-date information that clearly marks ties between companies and executives.
Always fully informed
Our data is updated daily. We also check it against tens of thousands of sources. So you are always working with current and complete information about the companies you do business with.
Verify whether a company really exists
Does the entity you are trading with really exist? Verify companies quickly and easily with our data. Also integrated within your own systems, for a quick check in your own CRM or ERP.
Support enforcement
Today it is important that customs authorities systematically integrate up-to-date information to expedite investigations and uncover possible illegal activities. If you have your data and UBOs in order, you can support this enforcement.
Prevent & predict criminal behavior
In addition to traditional investigations, police are charged with preventing and reducing crime. By using various data sources and uncovering hidden insights from them, they can anticipate, react and even prevent criminal activity. It is becoming increasingly important to contribute to this as a company.
Do you want to learn to understand UBOs and UBO structures?
Powerful & secure: compliance from Altares
Real-time company information for due diligence in one convenient environment. Establish UBOs and screen your clients for PEP and sanctions lists.
D&B Direct+ Data Blocks
Choose 'blocks' of our compliance data and link only the data you need to your own systems and applications.
about our company information
The largest B2B database in the world
90% of Fortune-500 companies rely on our business intelligence to grow their business and protect against fraud, financial crime and data contamination. With our unique D-U-N-S number, we identify every business entity in the world and can link companies and stakeholders. We are the exclusive partner of the Dun & Bradstreet Worldwide Network in the Benelux and France.
CEO Luc Querton about Altares Dun & Bradstreet.
500M +
Information on 500+ million companies worldwide.
2,000 daily checks ensure data quality.
Our data is built from 30,000 global sources.
Our own and unique id for every business in the world.
Group structures inc. their directors and UBOs.