How credit management can drive growth and innovation

Michiel Scheepens
October 23, 2017 - Reading Time 4 minutes

Focus on growth by developing an obsession with your customer. At a time when disruption is the norm, companies must find new ways to stay competitive. An "obsession with customers" is the beginning of that competitive edge. With access to vast amounts of customer data, credit management is the channel to work towards an obsession with customers. That obsession puts the customer at the center of operations, strategy, and budget, and ensures greater knowledge and commitment to the customer. Companies with such a thorough focus on customers generate higher profits, more revenue and better cash flow, according to Forrester research.

Blog: Hoe credit management voor groei en innovatie kan zorgen - Altares Dun & Bradstreet

1. Increase internal collaboration

Break the internal 'cubicle structure' work together. The credit team has access to insights into your organization that will ensure the sustainable growth of your business. By collaborating with other departments that focus on growth, such as sales for example, the credit team can identify ideal customers and uncover new opportunities. By working with the purchasing department, the credit team can reduce supplier risk and cost and normalize payment terms.

2. Provide data-driven dialogue

Data is spearheading your growth. The credit department has the unique power to turn its data into actions and drive the business forward. With its access to a vast amount of data, the credit team can drive new conversations and uncover new growth opportunities on an ongoing basis. To start those new conversations, the credit department must view data as the heart of its operations, decisions and strategy.

3. Leverage automation and technology

Automate so your growth doesn't stall. Credit processes can improve exponentially by implementing technology and automation. Utilizing the right technology can reduce operational costs and provide new growth opportunities for the credit team.


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White paper

Credit monitoring

Opportunities for your organization in focus

A credit check at customer acceptance is valuable, but also immediately outdated. The real credit risk actually begins after you have accepted a customer. accepted. The solution: monitor the financial health of your customers in real time.

Pdf of 16 pages, 0.4 MB
Credit monitoring

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