Pick & choose your own sales and marketing dataset

Sharomy Autar
July 21, 2021 - Reading Time 4 minutes

Marketing campaigns that reach out to a large audience in hopes of bringing in some valuable leads. Manually entering customer data into your CRM. Duplicate records in your Salesforce or Microsoft Dynamics. These are all examples of inefficient marketing and sales. With Data Blocks you can solve all these problems in one fell swoop. And it doesn't cost a fortune.

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Truly useful data

As a marketer and sales professional, you use data every day. Whether it's the address of that one prospect you're going to today, or the details of the lead that came in on the website. Even external data is now a necessity. A gigantic, unfathomable mountain of marketing and sales data that costs you huge amounts of money is officially history. Let us introduce you to a whole new way of purchasing data.

Data Blocks: choose and pay only what you need

Data Blocks is our brand new way of integrating data. We took our data from the D&B data cloud and divided it into thematic blocks that you can combine to create an ideal set of data. You select only the information that you need. And of course, you only pay for the data you select and therefore benefit from competitive rates.

The benefits of Data Blocks for marketing and sales

  • Data Blocks significantly reduces the administrative workload of sales staff by eliminating manual data entry whenever customer profiles and customer data are created and updated. Because this data can be automatically loaded into your own CRM, you avoid errors and duplicates. 
  • Boost the conversion rate of your website. The forms that visitors fill out on your website are enriched with numerous data. Besides the company name, think about data like name and address details, Chamber of Commerce number, D-U-N-S number, annual turnover, number of employees, SIC codes and labels, ratings and more. In short, fewer fields, higher conversion and more data!

  • With Data Blocks integrated into your CRM, sales and marketing teams gain insight into the customer and prospect data they need to achieve their sales and marketing goals. 
  • Because you can find out everything about your (potential) customers, you are able to build a 360-degree customer view.

Would you also like to build your own low-cost set of data? Read more about Data Blocks.


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White paper

Data Detox

Get rid of your excess data pounds

Dirty data is costing companies worldwide clamshells of money. In addition, they miss out on profits because they cannot keep up with competitors competitors who are smarter with data and analytics. With this white paper we get you ready for efficient data management.

Pdf of 29 pages, 0.4 MB
Data Detox

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